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Tricky Nun geht es bald los, nun kommt Tricky endlich auf kurze Tour. Im Gepäck hat er sein aktuelles Album "Skilled Mechanics", auf dem er gemeinsame Sachen mit alten Kumpels und aktuellen Kollegen wie DJ Milo, Francesca Belmonte, der chinesischen Rapperin Ivy und Oh Land gemacht hat.

25.02.16 Köln, Luxor
26.02.16 Hamburg, Mojo
28.02.16 Frankfurt, Zoom club
29.02.16 Berlin, Gretchen

Passend zur Tour hat der gute Mann ein neues Video zum großartigen Album-Track "Boy" ins Web gestellt. Für Tricky übrigens kein gewöhnlicher, sondern ein extrem persönlicher.

"All the problems I have now are because of my childhood. I went to Bristol at Christmas time a couple of years ago and I ended up having an asthma attack. My eldest daughter drove down to the hospital to collect me and I said, 'I think it's because I've eaten something.' And she said, 'No it's not. You're remembering stuff. It's because you've come back to Bristol, you're being reminded of stuff.' Most of my problems stem from when I was a kid. The first time I remember seeing my mum was in an open, glass topped coffin in my grandmother's house. I was about four years of age and she was in the room opposite mine. I found my dad in the phone book when I was 12 years of age. For some reason I used to sit in my auntie's house and go through the phone book. This says to me that I was looking for an identity. Looking for myself. I found someone who had the same last name as me and my aunt said, 'That's your dad. Why don't you give him a call?' I used to go and see him and he would literally forget my name. It's almost like I could have written this track 20 years ago but it was something that had to come out eventually, I had to put it down. But everything on that track is true. Every word on Boy is actual fact."

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