Eben noch der kleine Paddy, heute der große Patrick Wolf. Schon seit zehn Jahren nimmt der Brite Alben auf und das mit ziemlichem Erfolg. Jetzt will er sein Jubiläum feiern und veröffentlicht das Doppelalbum "Sundark & Riverlight", auf dem Neuaufnahmen von Songs der letzten Dekade geben wird.
Am 28. September 2012 kommt das gute Stück via Bloody Chamber Music in die Läden, aufgenommen wurde es in Peter Gabriels Real World Studios - und der hatte dann tatsöchlich mehr Einfluss als anfangs geplant. Siehe Original-Statement weiter unten.
Im Herbst gibt es Patrick Wolf dann auch wieder live:
14.10.2012 Hamburg, Kampnagel K6
15.10.2012 Frankfurt, Mousonturm
16.10.2012 München, Freiheizhalle
18.10.2012 Berlin, Passionskirche
19.10.2012 Köln, Kulturkirche
Patrick Wolf über "Sundark & Riverlight":
"This project started when I realised I had reached a 10 year jubilee as a recording artist. My first EP came out when I was 9 and in the 10 years hence, my voice has grown with me. I started out playing with just one instrument and singing with no microphones in folk clubs, on the streets and galleries. I missed that raw communication so much and the spontaneous energy of that live situation. When I went to the studio I thought I was going to record a one-man solo album, but I started to dream, and heard bassoons and bodhrans. This is my first totally acoustic album and so I made certain that we were working with analogue tape and recording equipment. I went on a mission to find a grand piano with the best bass response still full of character and I was told about Peter Gabriel's Real World Studios, but the piano there was too new for me. So Peter lent me his Bosendorfer Grand and later his bodhran and hammer dulcimer - the album and I are very grateful."