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NOFX & Frank Turner Frank Turner und NOFX. Eigentlich hätte man gerade gemeinsam die Punk In Drublic-Festivals gespielt, hätte mit Comeback Kid, Face To Face und Me First And The Gimme Gimmes gefeiert, hätte, hätte, hätte. Was man aber hat: eine Split-Platte gemacht. Ja, Frank Turner und NOFX. Der eine covert die anderen, die anderen covern den einen.

NOFX spielen zum Beispiel den Song "Thatcher Fucked the Kids", Frank Turner unter anderem den klassischen "Bob". Alles zusammen nennt sich "West Coast VS Wessex", erscheint am 31. Juli auf Fat Wreck und enthält folgende zehn Songs:

2. Worse Things Happen At Sea
3. Thatcher Fucked The Kids
4. Ballad Of Me And My Friends
5. Glory Hallelujah

Frank Turner:
6. Scavenger Type
7. Bob
8. Eat The Meek
9. Perfect Government
10. Falling In Love

Fat Mike sagt: "Everything he picked was from the ’90s, so I took that as it’s okay to mostly do his early stuff too. What I did is change a lot of chords. Frank, he beats me in the singing department. So I can't sing better than he can, but I can maybe throw in a melody here or there or chord that he hadn’t thought of. " Und Turner erklärt: "I didn't want to just do straight covers of anything. I wanted to try and pick songs where I felt like me and my band could bring something different to the table,” he says. “But it did strike me that it would be cool to demonstrate to the casual NOFX fan, who doesn't know who I am, that I am actually a fan."

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